Schmid, Martin
Standards für die Validierung erwachsenenpädagogischer Kompetenzen: kritische Befunde zur Anwendung von quantitativen Gütekriterien bei der Zertifizierung non-formalen und informellen Lernens
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2018(2-3): Validierung non-formalen und informellen Lernens
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In Switzerland, experienced teachers can validate their competencies which they have achieved in the field of adult education. By submitting a self-assessment which is oriented along a competency profile, to the Swiss Association for Continuing Education (SVEB), the teachers demonstrate in a comprehensible way that they possess the necessary competences to teach in adult education. Experts examine the submitted self-assessments and use the competency profile as a reference standard. The experts are experienced adult educators and trainers and have experience in validating educational achievements. In a research project of the Pedagogical College of the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland (PH FHNW) the expert reports have been analysed by using quantitative content analyse. The research project investigated whether the quantitative-empirical methods can be applied to this form of validation process. This article presents which aspects experts particularly focus on, when validating the applications and how they use these aspects to build a framework to justify a positive or negative final evaluation. The findings illustrate that, for qualitative validation processes, one might have to turn away from the standard quality criteria such as objectivity, validity and reliability and instead focus on alternative criteria such as manageable and professional reference standards, qualified experts, structured processes with clear role-splits as well as a clear focus on specific contents. These alternative criteria seem to be crucial in order to ensure the validations quality and its acceptance amongst all parties involved.
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