Fischer, Martin; Follner, Magdalene; Rohrdantz-Herrmann, Ines; Sandal, Cüneyt
AiKomPass – Ein Instrument zur Sichtbarmachung informellen Lernens in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung: Lernen im Alter
133 - 149
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AiKomPass is a web-based tool to make informal and non-formal competences within the electrical and metal industries visible. It is based on an interview study with potential users and a task inventory, which covers tasks of work areas like process planning, production, maintenance and logistics within production processes. The tool itself was developed within a participative design process. It enables employees and people in search of employment to self-assess their ability to fulfil working tasks and thus visualizes their skills and knowledge. In addition it helps to analyse biographical aspects of competences (competences from spheres outside work and outside the electrical and metal industries and related certificates). The online tool focuses especially on people who are not formally qualified for the labour market. AiKomPass is available online ( and can be used free of charge.
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