Johannsen, Ulrike; Schlapkohl, Nele; Kaiser, Barbara
Food & Move Literacy in der Erwachsenenbildung. Kompetenzanforderungen im Bereich der Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2019(2): RaumZeit in der Erwachsenenbildung
265 - 287
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The support of food and move literacy in learning groups mainly aims for a benefit in terms of a health-promoting and sustainable lifestyle. The general education system has developed differentiated education plans containing basic contents and competences on these topics. In adult education comprehensive health education addresses aspects of food- as well as move literacy. In the context of literacy and basic education, however, there are only a few learning opportunities that focus on nutrition and physical activity topics. Quality-controlled education material linking both fields of action with basic education and promote everyday health, nutrition and consumer education are missing. The development of a competence scheme and model, systematically describing competence requirements and learning contents, are helpful for the development and evaluation of material. Scheme as well as model are being described in this article. Theoretical basis and empirical derivation for the learning topic nutrition and physical activity are demonstrated. The benefit for those who are planning programs as well as lecturers in the field of further education is elucidated.
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