Feller, Gisela
Ein Klimaindex für die Weiterbildungslandschaft
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2007(3): Weiterbildung und Gerechtigkeit
61 - 74
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Organisation and growth of the continuing training market is increasingly taking place within the private economic sector. There also is increasing reporting coverage of continuing training in accordance with the significance of lifelong learning for societal participation and the retention of occupational competences. In order to enable an accurate picture of the situation and developments of providers of general and vocational education and training to be given, it would be useful to have a key reference parameter in place both to signalise the current mood and to act as an indicator of imminent future change. The present paper presents the conception of such a parameter, which also permits background analyses and comparisons with other branches of trade and industry and is based on the IFO Institute for Economic Research Climate Index. Model calculations are carried out to test the applicability of the parameter for continuing training monitoring.
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