Seiverth, Andreas
Traumatisierung und Notstandssemantik: Bildungspolitische Kontinuitäten vom Sputnik- zum PISA-Schock
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2007(4): 57/07
32 - 35
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Traumatisation and national emergency semantics. Continuities in educational policy from Sputnik to the PISA shock
The successful launch of the Soviet satellite “Sputnik” in the autumn of 1957 had a lasting impact on u.S. educational policy: expenditures on education and science skyrocketed in order to keep up in the technol-ogy race with the Soviet union. this article explores the conditions in which the launch of a satellite led to a profound shock while at the same time analysing the semantics of war and vulnerability. After this, the author asks whether there are parallels to the shock experienced by Germany with respect to the PiSA results in 2000. in both cases education was a power resource, even if the competitive situa-tions were very different. Georg Picht’s “educational disaster” is forwarded as a “bridge” between the national emer-gency semantics of Sputnik and PiSA.
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