Oliver, Esther
Spanish contexts of Adult Education: trends towards democratisation: International Course of Lectures: Trends in Adult and Continuing Education in Europe (University Duisburg-Essen 2007/2008)
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This text is focused on examining the relevance of the trends towards democratisation in the Adult Education context of Spain. After giving a description of the legal frame, the text develops a brief explanation of the different models which coexist in Adult Education centres. In particular, the author emphasises the relevance of the social model in the Spanish contexts of Adult Education, as it is starting from high expectations about the learners’ capacities and based on the participant’s rights. This social model adopts, as main reference, the international results and agreements on the field and is contributing to develop measures to extend the educational opportunities to all adults. In that sense, it is explained the relevance of the Movement of Democratic Education, led by CONFAPEA (Confederation of Adult Education Participant’s Associations), in promoting changes in the Adult Education field. This movement, which is contributing to the extension of the social model, is strengthening the participant’s voices in the design and organisation of the Adult Education centres and practices, and thus, is becoming a clear evidence of the trends towards democratisation that are taking place in the Spanish AE in the XXI century.

The text was developed for the International Course of Lectures ”Trends in Adult and Continuing Education in Europe” held at the University of Duisburg-Essen in wintersemester 2007/08. Videos and material can be downloaded under The international course of lectures is part of the European Master in Adult Education (

In wintersemester 2007/08 the International Course of Lectures was financed by the University of Duisburg-Essen, the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the European Commission (Socrates, Education and Culture).
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