Pantzar, Eero
Introduction to lifelong learning and adult education in Finland: International Course of Lectures: Trends in Adult and Continuing Education in Europe (University Duisburg-Essen 2007/2008)
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Eero Pantzar presents the outlines of the development of adult education in Finland from the early beginning in the 19th century up to today. Popular education was seen as one of the necessary preconditions for the growth of general welfare, economic development and the individual’s personal growth. The first decades of the nation’s independence (1917 -) saw a strong boom in liberal adult education. This was most clearly indicated by the growing number of institutions and organisations providing adult education and other educational activities.

The majority of laws governing adult education were enacted in the 1960s and 1970s. In general, the laws in question define the objectives for activities being pursued, the terms and conditions for financial support from the state as well as the proportional level thereof.

The financing of adult education varies as per the partial area in question. The most interesting observation in financial terms is how much students are required to pay for their studies.

Over the past few decades, Finnish people have participated very actively in adult education. According to various statistics, over 40% of adults participate in some type of study on an annual basis. This figure applies to institutional (formal and non-formal) education and training.

The text was developed for the International Course of Lectures ”Trends in Adult and Continuing Education in Europe” held at the University of Duisburg-Essen in wintersemester 2007/08. Videos and material can be downloaded under The international course of lectures is part of the European Master in Adult Education (

In wintersemester 2007/08 the International Course of Lectures was financed by the University of Duisburg-Essen, the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the European Commission (Socrates, Education and Culture).
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