Jana-Tröller, Melanie
Alter(n) im Betrieb – Problem oder Chance?: Betriebliche Strategien im Umgang mit demdemografischen Wandel
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2008(3): Demografischer Wandel
35 - 39
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Working at companies in old age – problem or opportunity?

Company strategies for dealing with demographic change

Demographic change usually confronts companies with a double challenge. Enterprises have to work with ageing staffs, while a veritable “war for talent” is underway to attract young skilled staff. This article explores the different strategies German enterprises are adopting to meet this challenge. At the same time, it distinguishes between tried-and-proven staff strategies which are being assigned new labels with this demographic change in mind and strategies which have been developed especially to meet this situation. The analysis ranges from small and medium-scale enterprises all the way to company groups such as Deutsche Telekom AG, where the author surveyed special skills of older people in a research project. Further training at companies needs to be devoted more attention on the whole as a result of demographic change.
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