Weiß, Christina
Fremdsprachen - Trendsprachen: Konjunkturen des Sprachenerwerbs Erwachsener am Beispiel des Volkshochschulangebots
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2009(2): Intimacy of lifelong learning – die innere Seite des Lernens
45 - 48
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Foreign languages à la mode. Trends in adult language acquisition based on the example of the VHS programme

Learning foreign languages is a high-status activity in organised adult learning. Based on VHS (adult education centre) statistics, the author shows that foreign languages are an indispensable element of the VHS programme range; hardly any other area is in such constantly high demand, a demand which can also be seen in relation to income status. Now making up 30 percent of all courses, more than 40 percent of all lessons and almost 30 percent of all posts, languages have become one of the most important subjects at VHS centres. Among foreign languages, English remains by far the most dominant language, followed by Spanish, French and Italian. The increasing importance of “minor” languages is making itself felt, for example for Chinese and Japanese, in terms both of supply and demand. Altogether, however, it can be said that “minor” languages are still learned less often compared with the standard school languages.
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