Schrader, Josef; Zentner, Ulrike
Weiterbildung im Wandel: Anbieterforschung im Längsschnitt am Beispiel Bremen
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2010(1): Strategische Kooperationen
46 - 48
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This article presents the findings of a research project on structure and change in continuing education in Bremen, set out as a longitudinal analysis of selected years between 1979 and 2006. At the level of the continuing education system as a whole, the author identifies a certain structural stability evident from the fact that despite a growth in the number of market-oriented providers from 1996 to 2006, their competition – providers under public law – retained its structural influence on the market as a whole. At the level of individual organisations, one observation in Bremen is that (though the figures are not statistically significant) market-oriented providers have tended to drop in number, more so than those under public law. At the level of specific interactions between teachers and learners, the authors focus on changes in general and political education courses on offer (drop in foreign languages, more cultural education, etc.).
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