Fleige, Marion
Kulturen der Nutzenpositionierung. Durch Wissen zu veränderten Lernentscheidungen
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2011(3): Partizipation und Alphabetisierung/Grundbildung
72 - 81
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This article discusses the question how knowledge may be used for new or alternative learning decisions and in how far the post-modern understanding of “knowledge” is involved in this process. More precisely, it is discussed how organisations and individuals use knowledge as a result of learning in general and with respect to continuing learning decisions and how expectations and evaluations regarding the use of continuing education are placed in cultures of learning. The argument is based on literature research. For this purpose, theories of culture, modernisation and the economics of knowledge are applied in order to characterise “knowledge” and “use”. Both categories are discussed from a heuristic and hence open as well as from a critical perspective. It is argued that under the circumstances of post-modern change and individual performance both in professional and in private life a functional use of knowledge is as important as a non-functional general and reflective one. A multivalent spectrum of knowledge might lead to alternative and profound learning decisions.
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