Nuissl, Ekkehard
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
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Kompetenzen als Fähigkeiten zur Lebensbewältigung, als informell erworbene Fähigkeiten, als Elemente in nationalen Qualifikationsrahmen, als Lern- ergebnisse im Lebenslauf – es gibt keine andere Kategorie, die in den letzten Jahren derart an Bedeutung im Kontext von Lernen und (Weiter-)Bildung gewonnen hat. Was aber ist methodisch und empirisch an neuen Erkenntnissen vorhanden?
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Langemeyer, Ines

Grundzüge einer subjektwissenschaftlichen Kompetenzforschung

It becomes apparent in the current critique on methods of competence diagnostics that the problem does not lie in empirical or methodical, but mainly in theoretical deficits. Psycho-dynamic explanations are missing. Moreover, competences are mainly constructed as individual traits while social dimensions are ignored. Both deficits are considerable blank spaces. This paper argues that competence cannot be the cause of performance, but only the conscious notion of how masterly ways of acting look like. As a subjective capability to generate masterly ways of acting, competences represent forms of (self-)consciousness. It develops neither according to a predetermined plan nor to a linear increase of competence but within a subjectively meaningful work on the given socio-cultural possibilities for action and development. The entire societal mediatedness of individual existence is therefore paramount. Due to the psychodynamic process in which (self-)consciousness emerges, competence development can include in every moment forms on incompetence. The outcome is a nexus of competence-incompetence which can be analysed through a subject-scientific framework that distinguishes different levels of (self-)consciousness.

Lerch, Sebastian

Selbstkompetenz. Eine neue Kategorie zur eigens gesollten Optimierung?

Theoretische Analyse und empirische Befunde
The article deals with the concept of self-competence, the importance of which has been growing in andragogy in the course of the individualization of professional life. Thereby the theoretical and empirical analysis focuses on the ´explanation´ of the term and its effects on the individuum. After the description of fundamental developments which cause the emergence of the topica theorectical and empirical modelling of (self-)competences follows. As a conclusion, consequences for the theory and practice of further education are formulated.

Kraus, Katrin; Schmid, Martin

Argumente für Kompetenzen. Eine Analyse von Selbstbeurteilungen im Rahmen eines Validierungsverfahrens für Erwachsenenbildnerinnen und Erwachsenenbildner in der Schweiz

In the context of lifelong learning, the validation of prior learning has become a contested topic. Views differ about whether procedures should be oriented to (work) requirements – verifying that people match a defined competence profile – or be designed to support people in their personal development. In the latter case, the procedures mainly involve self-evaluation while in the first case they are concerned with external evaluation. In this paper a validation procedure is analysed that includes both approaches: there is a defined competence profile, but the core of the procedure is a self-evaluative report that the applicants write themselves. Our research project analysed a random sample of all applicant reports in Switzerland in the period 2007-10. The analysis concludes that the reports were basically understood by the authors as a means by which to convince the assessors that they merited the certificate. The findings show that the main argument for competence is performance and also the argument for personality is important.

Böhm, Jan

Kompetenzbilanzierung für das Aus- und Weiterbildungspersonal der Volkswagen Bildungsinstitute GmbH als Möglichkeit der Personalentwicklung

In recent years, the discourse on competences as well as the increasing importance of informal learning particularly at workplaces have attributed a prominent position to the procedures of visualization and balancing of vocational competences within the educational practice as well as in education policy debates.However, most of these procedures focus on apprentices or participants of further education courses. This rather limited view has largely excluded teachers and/or dispositive employees within the fields of vocational education and further education. Thus, their competences, the place of acquisition as well as possibilities of advancement remain largely unknown. The subsequent article presents a procedure of competence balancing for employees in education and further education. Its potential and the limits of its use are also being discussed.

Gonon, Philipp; Jütte, Wolfgang; Nuissl, Ekkehard

Robak, Steffi: Kulturelle Formationen des Lernens. 2012

Das Buch in der Diskussion

Lermen, Markus

eLearning und Kompetenzentwicklung. 2012
