Hippel, Aiga von ; Röbel, Tina
Funktionen als akteursabhängige Zuschreibungen in der Programmplanung betrieblicher Weiterbildung
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2016(1): Politische Bildung
61 - 81
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The article presents the results of a DFG project on program planning of workplace learning, which was conducted between June 2013 and May 2015 at the Department of Adult Education/Continuing Education at the Humboldt University of Berlin. The central questions were: a) How do internal and external stakeholders influence the program planning and training design in the context of workplace learning (targeted audiences, objectives, contents, didactic fields of action)? b) Which specific forms of management and coordination of action deliver what kinds of results and benefits? The research design consisted of three comp any case studies. For each case study nine to twelve expert and problem-centered interviews, as well as a program analysis were conducted. So far the research on workplace learning has mainly offered insights on influencing factors of participation and organizational structures. There has been only a limited number of studies focusing specifically on program planning in the context of workplace learning. The contribution of the project is both empirical and theoretical. As a central result program planning is described with the help of a new category: the functions different stakeholders ascribe to workplace learning. Another important result is the detailed description of different program areas within workplace learning.
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