Vetter, Martin
Viel Glück, viel Segen, viel Sinn: Erwachsenenbildung in kirchlicher Trägerschaft und die Frage nach gelingendem Leben
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2006(1): Glück
39 - 41
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The contribution shows that, why, and in which way adult education in clerical sponsorship deals with joy. Though in the biblical tradition, ideas of a fulfilled life occur, they are always completed by the promise of the salvation to come. The present occupation with joy in educational practice consciously and vigorously distances itself from a tendency of fleeing from the world. Because “joy“, as brain research and philosophy emphasize, is not thinkable without sensual quality. The contribution arrives at the result, that the search and the question of joy takes a significant place in the denominationally, here protestant educational work. The societal task of adult education in clerical sponsorship is to create spaces in which people can bring in their ideas of joy and can critically validate old and new ideas of joy in a conversation.
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