Wolf, Gertrud
Der Beziehungsaspekt in der Dozent-Teilnehmer-Beziehung als Ressourceund Determinante lebenslangen Lernens
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2006(1): Lehr-/Lernforschung
27 - 36
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The aspect of relations in the relationship between teacher and learner as resource and determinant for lifelong learning

In addition to the work with the subject being studied there also exists a personal relationship between the learners and their trainers. The communication science has shown the relevance of relationships in every type of interaction. Therefore, it has to be assumed that the quality of relationships has impacts on learning success. This means for the idea of lifelong learning that – connected to success and failure in learning processes – patterns are built that influence success in later learning situations. For the aspects of professional adult education it is necessary to explore the following questions:
- Which role do relations between teachers and learners play?
- Which previous experiences have to be taken into account?
- Which factors in relationships influence the interaction in the learning process?
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