Blech, Christine; Funke, Joachim
Dynamis review: An overview about applications of the Dynamis approach in cognitive psychology
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The Dynamis review has been designed to provide an overview about applications of the Dynamis approach in cognitive psychology. Since the development of computer-based scenarios Dynamis, based on linear structural equation systems, has become increasingly popular as a tool for analysing decision making and complex problem solving. Beginning with the role of system size, connectivity, and types of relations in a system (e. g, eigendynamics and side effects) it has been discussed how formal system characteristics may influence the process of complex problem solving. In a second part, essential task demands, i. e. knowledge acquisition and knowledge application, have been specified further with particular respect to their interdependency. Supporting influences as to effective presentation of information and task demands have been suggested in this context: graphical presentation, semantic embedding, structural diagrams and other tutorials, instructed strategies, specific goals, and hypotheses. Research on the impact of problem solvers’ habitual intellectual and strategic abilities as well as motivation completed the presentation of the extensive contexts in which Dynamis systems have been applied and possibly will be applied to in future research.
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