Gruber, Elke Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard Schiersmann, Christiane
Blick zurück nach vorn - 30 Jahre REPORT
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
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Looking ahead – 30-year REPORT
The 30th anniversary issue of the REPORT reviews ideas, research findings and articles from a present-day perspective and extrapolates these into the future. To this end, texts from the two founding editors, Horst Siebert and Johannes Weinberg, have subsumed articles under six different topical rubrics and reread these from a present-day perspective from thirty years of REPORT. The articles are prefaced and concluded by two interviews respectively providing a retrospective look back and a look forward. Tribute is paid to the two founding fathers in the issue, without whose initiative in 1978 we would not have REPORT today.
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Beyersdorf, Martin; Rhein, Rüdiger; Siebert, Horst; Weinberg, Johannes

Blicke zurück: Von der Erfindung des REPORT und seiner Entwicklung

Ein Gespräch mit den Gründungsherausgebern
In Retrospect: On the Conception of REPORT and its Development
A conversation with the founding editors

The reason for this interview is REPORT’s 30-year existence. Thus, the time has come to once again recall the events and experiences in its long history. In 1978, the “Literature and Research Report Continuing Education” was published for the first time and was essentially a review journal created to give an overview of the still widely scattered and developing discipline of adult and continuing education. Focussing on the origin and development of REPORT, on the journal’s significance for the discipline, and on personal experiences, Martin Beyersdorf (M.B.) and Rüdiger Rhein (R.R.) spoke to the two founding editors, Horst Siebert (H.S.) and Johannes Weinberg (J.W) in February 2007 in Hanover.

Schlutz, Erhard

Auf dem langen Weg zu einer nutzenstiftenden wissenschaftlichen Didaktik

On the long journey to a Benefit Contributive Scientific Didactics

Horst Siebert and Johannes Weinberg’s texts on didactic issues of adult education which will be looked at closely, cover almost the whole publication period of REPORT. Against this background, the author addresses the question of what contributions the selected texts and, thus the journal itself, made to the development of adult education science and which discussions within the discipline are to be found in it. The author presents the-state-of-the-art and the future perspectives of a didactic theory building within the context of historical ascertainment, the work on basic terminology, empirical research and the consideration of the didactic knowledge of everyday life and actions – tasks which Horst Siebert, already in 1982, assigned to the further development of scientific didactics.

Schiersmann, Christiane

Weiterbildungsbeteiligung - Stand der Forschung und Vergewisserung des Gegenstands

Continuing Education Participation – Current State of Research and Ascertainment of the Subject-Matter

Who for whatever reason, participates in continuing education is one of the core questions of continuing education research and practice. Referring to two texts by Horst Siebert and Johannes Weinberg, reflections are made on what knowledge participation research has generated since the so called pilot studies of the 1960s and 1970s. At the same time, socio-demographic and occupational-related aspects are addressed, and the question posed regarding the motives and benefit of continuing education participation. Further, from today’s point of view, the question emerges as to what “participation” in continuing education really means, in the face of the expansion of the subject of consideration to non-formal and informal continuing education.

Wittpoth, Jürgen

Theorie (in) der Erwachsenenbildung

Theories of Adult Education

On the basis of three selected contributions, the adult pedagogical theory discussion which began in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s will be explored. The issues handled here concern the subject-matter relatedness and conceptuality used, the empirical binding and historical localisation, as well as the influence through the so called sister disciplines. The stages of the theory discussion which are addressed convey an ambivalent picture which moves between confidence, irritation and resignation. A fast-moving erratic discourse becomes obvious which contributes little towards building up a stock of knowledge but which for the meantime could be regarded as reasonably secure and thus, act as identity contributive.

Schrader, Josef

Lehr- und Lernforschung der Erwachsenenbildung

Educational and Learning Research

Based on three texts from the founding editors from the years 1985, 2000 and 2005, in this contribution, past as well as current scientific objectives of empirical educational and learning research, their embedding in theoretical contexts as well as methodical approaches are assessed and supplemented by further references from the author. Albeit the end results of the two founding fathers are, in the various years, rather sobering, it seems fruitful to think out further their recommendations on profiling educational and learning research. They match the present funding profile and at the same time, offer motivation for a positioning of adult education in the scientific system.

Nuissl, Ekkehard

Politische Erwachsenenbildung und ihre Krisen

Political Adult Education and its Crises

Political education is often attested as being somewhat critical. As was the case of the twentieth publication of REPORT in 1987 in which the main focus – even though at the time it was not identified as such – was on this theme. The issue commenced with a contribution from Horst Siebert; this contribution shall now be the starting point to explore the highlights on the development of the past years and to determine its positioning. This will ensue in relation to the subject, targets, the recipients and the methods of political adult education. If and how political education can liberate itself from its critical image will be subsequently discussed.

Arnold, Rolf

Die Beobachtung des Beobachtens

Konstruktivistische Erwachsenenbildung
The Observation of the Observer
Constructive adult education

The entry of constructive perception into adult education is closely linked to the name of Horst Siebert. Together, and in the debate with Rolf Arnold he began, at the beginning of 1990, to “perturb” or rather refresh thinking on adult education. How this “fresh thinking” developed in the shaping of scientific thinking is the question which, based on three texts from Horst Siebert from 1991, 1993 and 1999, will be analysed in this contribution. In doing so, it will become apparent that “fresh thinking” is only gradually emerging, too, in science – especially then when it is a matter of a change in paradigm which fundamentally challenges not only accustomed perceptions but even perception modes.

Beyersdorf, Martin; Gruber, Elke; Nuissl, Ekkehard; Rhein, Rüdiger; Schiersmann, Christiane

Blicke nach vorn: Von Herausforderungen, Wegen und Zielen

Interview mit den amtierenden Herausgeber/inne/n
Looking ahead: On Challenges, Paths and Goals
Interview with the incumbent editors

The interview with the founding editors ended with predictions for the future of REPORT. More online- communication, increasing internationalisation, a stronger shift towards empirical research and a committed specialist discourse were the principal key words. These are taken up in the discussions and addressed from the perspectives of the incumbent publishers. Martin Beyersdorf (M.B.) and Rüdiger Rhein (R.R.) interviewed on the telephone in March 2007 Ekkehard Nuissl (E.N.), Christiane Schiersmann (C.S.) and Elke Gruber (E.G.), who, with this issue, as Horst Siebert’s successor took up her position in the circle of editors.