Reiber, Karin
Didaktische Übergänge zwischen Bildung und Beruf
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2007(4): Bildung und Beruf
42 - 52
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Didactic transition between education and working life

This article examines the orientation of vocational training towards “learning areas” in the context of the larger thematic topic of “occupation and education”. The pivotal question around which the whole topic revolves is whether and in what ways the concept of “learning areas” can contribute to a constructive change in the dialectic between education and occupation. It is with this in mind that the relationship between education and profession is first of all addressed. Secondly, the current discourse over adult education didactics is discussed in the context of the dynamic tension explored earlier in the article. Finally, the concept of “learning areas” is developed as an option in the reform of educational theory in the area of occupational didactics. The fourth and final step in the analysis sums up to what extent the “learning areas” approach constitutes a didactic transition between education and occupation.
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