CiLL Project

The project “Competencies in Later Life” bases on and extends the OECD Programme PIAAC – Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies. This international comparative study provides us with basic information about competencies and educational activities of adults. The study aims to support political decision-makers to handle challenges in demographic change. Our extensional study “Competencies in Later Life” (CiLL) researches on competencies of elderly people between 66 to 80 years using the same investigation programme as PIAAC.
In Germany, more than 1,300 interviews were conducted. The data for CiLL was collected by using an elaborate background questionnaire and assessments which tested three central adult competence domains: literacy, numeracy and problem-solving in technology-rich environments. CiLL additionally includes qualitative research on competencies of the elderly in the context of their specific life situation. Until today, around 50 qualitative interviews were completed.

The Workshop

The final workshop of the project “Competencies in Later Life - PIAAC Survey on Elderly” will take place on the 16th May 2014 in Bonn, Germany. The workshop is an international workshop focusing on the critical discourse of the Competencies in Later Life Project. The project team, members of our project’s scientific advisory board and international experts are present to discuss about the workshop inputs. The workshop program covers not only the key findings of the study but also a critical reflection and exchange regarding methodology, analysis of the study and interpretation of findings.
Please find more detailed information under the following link.
Gustav-Stresemann-Institut (GSI)</br> Langer Grabenweg 68</br> 53175 Bonn</br>