Arnold, Rolf; Faulstich, Peter; Mader, Wilhelm; Nuissl, Ekkehard; Schlutz, Erhard
Research Memorandum on Adult and Continuing Education
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The growing importance of lifelong learning and adult education appears to be a generally accepted fact. Less well known, on the other hand, are the causes, conditions, forms and types of development in all their variety as well as the changing trends and options for solutions to be observed at different levels. This situation requires broad, intensive and sustained empirical research on adult and continuing education. This Research Memorandum – commissioned by the Section for Adult Education at the German Society for Educational Science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, DGfE) – seeks to identify, structure and label focal areas and questions in order to stimulate a more effective, coordinated division of labor in the field of research. This portrayal of the need for empirical research focuses on five fields of research: adult learning, knowledge structures and skill needs, professional action, institutionalization, system and policy. These fields of research are once again broken down into certain focal areas of research or topical areas. Questions are then proposed in order to elucidate the various research options. These questions are by no means exhaustive. Their purpose, rather, is merely to serve as examples. Overlapping between research fields, topics and issues is not random – it is, rather, an inherent aspect of all these phenomena.
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