Kraus, Katrin; Schmid, Martin
Rahmenbedingungen, Datenlage und Erkenntnisse zum Weiterbildungspersonal im Vergleich : Deutschland – Schweiz
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2014(2): International-vergleichende Forschung zur Erwachsenenbildung
55 - 67
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Despite a relatively similar education system, the way how people can get a qualification for adult and continuing education is different in Germany and Switzerland. Germany has established an academic track within educational sciences with the focus on planning and management. Switzerland follows a vocational track with a basic qualification for teaching adults that could be extended by qualifications within the vocational system for positions in planning and management. This paper analyses these different frameworks for the qualification for adult and continuing education as framework conditions for the staff in adult and continuing education. It has three parts: We will point out first the differences in how adults and continuing education has progressed in both countries. Subsequently, the available data about the staff in adult and continuing education in both countries are presented. At last, these data are discussed as a comparison of sociodemographic attributes of the staff in adult and continuing education. In this analysis we seek to outline the impact of the different framework conditions on the availability of data about the staff and its composition in both countries.
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