Oktober 2002 bis September 2004


In the framework of activities and projects supporting social and labour insertion processes for social disadvantaged groups, this project arises from the necessity to develop new approaches aiming at the construction of professional competence of a social group with labour insertion difficulties: women with low qualification. The proposal is to develop new methodologies based on the recognition of women's knowledge and capabilities, which are acquired in different spheres of life (formal education, labour experiences and life experiences) as well as on its transference into the professional field.

According to this aim, it is necessary to develop new methodologies and tools to make easier the process of identification, assessment and development of competences and their transference to the labour context.

The project is based on the following hypothesis:

- To make the processes of labour insertion of women with low qualification much easier, it is necessary to start from their own experience and their non-formal learning in order to recover them and transfer them to labour market.

- It is possible to turn personal resources into professional competences developing processes of reflection and transference.

- The recovery and assessment of non-formal learning and the development of personal abilities are key tools for the improvement of employability of women with labour insertion difficulties.

- It is necessary to go beyond a limited conception of competences. This limited approach is based on the technical elements of competences. We propose to take a definition considering them as a set of particular technical knowledge, basic requirements for employability and labour behaviours of one person.

- According to this definition, "transversal competences" are one person's set of skills, abilities and attitudes, as well as the personal and cultural background accumulated during a person's life experience, which has to be mobilized, in a competent way, to act towards different labour situations.

- The development of new self-evaluation tools in competences will allow the detection of women's learning necessities in competences, in addition to make easier their participation as active subjects of their own processes of labour insertion.

General Objectives

· To work with methodologies of orientation and learning of transversal competences, adapted to women with low qualification who aim to improve their possibilities of labour insertion through obtaining and updating their competences.

· To establish learning models that emphasise personal abilities and personal resources (transversal competences) obtained in formal and informal contexts, as well as the ability to transfer these resources to new contexts.

Specific Objectives

· To design an interactive tool of self-evaluation of competences, promoting the recognition and assessment of competences acquired in personal and family experiences of women with low qualification. This interactive tool is addressed to professionals and institutions with services of orientation, learning and/or insertion.

· To promote new strategies and innovative methodologies to develop learning and transference processes of personal abilities and resources (transversal competences) to the labour market.

· To incorporate gender and intercultural approaches into processes of orientation, assessing formal and informal women's learning and transferring them to projects of personal and professional development.

· To improve the possibilities of professional insertion of women with low qualification.


· SURT, Associació de Dones per a la Inserció Laboral

· Universitat de Barcelona, Department of research and diagnosis methodologies in education.

· IRFA sud, (France)

· CRAS, Centro Riserche Affai Sociali (Italy)

· DIE, Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (Germany)

· · VUSTE ENVIS spol. s. r.o. (Czech Republic)

Final results

· Report on the list of transversal competences for the employability of women with low qualification with the definitions and contents of each competences.

· Interactive CD-ROM for the self-evaluation of transversal competences from gender and intercultural points of view.

· Guide of strategies to identify, develop and transfer transversal competences of women with low qualification in processes of orientation and learning.

· Report on the results of the pilot experience to prove the self-evaluation tool of competences.

· Website to disseminate the results of the project.


Wie können die Möglichkeiten der beruflichen (Wieder-)Eingliederung von geringqualifizierten Frauen erhöht werden?


Das europäische Kooperationsprojekt will ein Werkzeug zur Selbstevaluation der im privaten und familiären Umfeld erworbenen Fähigkeiten geringqualifizierter Frauen sowie Strategien für den Erwerb und Transfer von Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten entwickeln. Dadurch sollen die Möglichkeiten der beruflichen (Wieder-)Eingliederung von geringqualifizierten Frauen erhöht werden. Das DIE übernimmt dabei die Erstellung eines Handbuchs, das die Methodologie und Strategien der Kompetenzidentifizierung und –entwicklung von geringqualifizierten Frauen in neuen Lehr- und Lernzusammenhängen darstellt.


Eine CD-ROM, die für geringqualifizierte Frauen ein computergestütztes Instrument zur Selbsteinschätzung von Kompetenzen in Arbeits- und Privatleben sowie für Berater ein Handbuch enthält, ist über ASTRID FELDMANN (Adresse s.o.) kostenfrei zu beziehen.

Beteiligte Personen

  • (Leitung)
    • Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Beteiligte Institutionen


  • Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE)
  • Europäische Kommission
  • Eigenmittel der Projektpartner


  • Universitat de Barcelona, Department of research and diagnosis methodologies in education
  • Associació de Dones per a la Inserció Laboral (SURT)
  • Centro Riserche Affai Sociali (CRAS, Italy)
  • IRFA sud (France)
  • VUSTE ENVIS spol. s. r.o. (Czech Republic)