Wieandt, Michaela
Beratungsbedarf und Beratungsprozessverläufe bei Studierenden der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2007(4): Bildung und Beruf
63 - 72
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The need for counselling and counselling processes among students in the humanities and social sciences

In the area of adult education, learning counselling assumes the role of a support function for self-guided learning. University students must also structure and plan their learning process, even though many of these students are unable to develop sufficient learning skills due to their previously limited learning experience. Learning counselling as a tool in the learning process could fill a gap in the support which is currently on offer. This article reports on the author's experience as a freelance learning counsellor and forwards two questions: First, what kind of counselling demands do students have? And second, what kind of counselling processes are involved? In order to answer these questions 30 learning counselling cases were assigned to learning counselling groups, while various counselling processes were identified.
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