Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard
Support für die Weiterbildung
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Support in der Erwachsenenbildung ist mehr als seine Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Support bezeichnet ein nachhaltiges System von Unterstützungs-, Entscheidungs- und Steuerungsstrukturen. Ekkehard Nuissl verweist im Gespräch auf die Notwendigkeit, in der Weiterbildung insgesamt eine solche Supportstruktur aufzubauen. Das Heft beleuchtet den theoretischen und politischen Kontext des Begriffs (Faulstich/Zeuner); gibt Beispiele für nationale und internationale Kooperationen (Gruber) und für wissenschaftliche Projekte (Meyer, Hirschmann/Botte, Schrader). Schließlich beleuchtet Seevers Qualitätsmanagement als Supportstruktur zur Steuerung von Einrichtungen.
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Franz-Balsen, Angela; Nuissl, Ekkehard

Gespräch Unterstützende Strukturen für die Weiterbildung liefern, ausbauen, vernetzen!

Gespräch mit Ekkehard Nuissl
Ekkhard Nuissl, Professor für Erwachsenenbildung an der Universität Marburg und Direktor des DIE, spricht mit Dr. Angela Franz-Balsen über die Notwendigkeit von Supportstrukturen und über die konkreten Supportleistungen, die das DIE erbringt. Er sieht die Weiterbildung insgesamt herausgefordert, gemeinsam und intensiv an weiteren Supportstrukturen zu arbeiten und nationale Kapazitäten auf europäischer Ebene zu vernetzen.

Faulstich, Peter; Zeuner, Christine

Lebensbegleitendes Lernen in Netzwerken

Supportstrukturen zur Lernunterstützung
The concept of support-networks is currently finding its way out of the theoretical discussions into practical application. This is not only due to the zeitgeist of reduced governmental investments in education policy but also because the concept of support takes into account the social embeddedness of learning costs and thus contributes to the discourse of the „learning society“. Networks are propagated as an alternative to either the state or the market, on the other hand they are likely to create new zones of friction (i.e. too many partners involved, lack of continuity, unefficient communication processes). New models in Germany thus draw upon two different functions of the networking concept: decision-making and support, to realize „regional learning cultures“.

Gruber, Sigi

Transnationale Kooperation entwickeln

Europäische Netzwerke als Support für die Weiterbildung
This article about European networks as support for lifelong learning starts with an attempt to define the differences between European projects and European networks. The European Association for the education of Adults (EAEA) is put forward as an example of a European network. It focuses on the association’s mission statement, its aims and activities and how it can support adult learning in Europe. In this way it also demonstrates how these networks can reinforce transnational cooperation and the further development of lifelong learning throughout Europe.

Dobischat, Rolf

Beratung in Zeiten zunehmender Unsicherheit

Support-Beispiel: Beratungsleistungen durch die Arbeitsverwaltung
The German „Bundesanstalt für Arbeit“ runs a comprehensive system of advisory programmes not only for unemployed persons, but also for working persons interested in further professional training, special programmes for disabled persons as well as for employers. With the multiplying „factors of uncertainty“ the demand for information about current
developments on the labour market is increasing. In addition to traditional forms of consultancy the job centres are building up several computer based systems of information and advisory services. This support structure works according to the act of social security (Sozialgesetzbuch III) to inform, train and arrange for jobs on the rapidly changing labour market.

Seevers, Marion

Qualitätsrelevante Prozesse erfassen und steuern

Qualitätssicherung als Support
Quality management systems – despite the name – often fail to contribute significantly to the overall management of an organization and are therefore not as welcome as they might be. The new DIN EN ISO 9000:2000 is structured to improve this situation through the employment of the process approach, aimed at the maximum benefit to the organization on two levels: 1. The continuous planning, execution and monitoring of the quality of the organization has to be integrated with traditional concepts of data gathering and analysis statistics and thereby becomes part of the overall planning process of the organization. 2. The leadership of the organization must substantially improve the specifications of quality-relevant processes.
Only then will they obtain the feed back necessary for direction and control of the quality management system.

Meyer, Laila

Weiterbildung per Mausklick

„Bildungsforum Hamburg“ als Supportstruktur
In contrast to the enthusiastically propagated possibilities of e-commerce and telelearning, searching the net for a telelearning course which meets the individual needs can be time-consuming and frustrating. In 1997, the CNC-Zentrum Hamburg in cooperation with the European Commission and the City of Hamburg thus set up the project „Bildungsforum Hamburg“ as a regional virtual market place for fur ther education. Project leader Laila Meyer presents the interactive platform for information, discussion and service.

Botte, Alexander; Hirschmann, Doris

Informationsplattform für Nutzer, Anbieter, Forschende

„Deutscher Bildungsserver“ als Support für die Weiterbildung
The article describes the project „Deutscher Bildungsserver“ which is working as a meta-server to supply users with an information system of relevant data in the field of education, adult and further education. The internet is offering big quantities of information and the chance to build up complex documents. Both make it more difficult to select and evaluate information. The „Deutscher Bildungsserver“ incorporates information critically bringing it into an order making it easier for users to find their way through the flood of information.

Schrader, Josef

Forschung, Entwicklung und Evaluation für die Erwachsenenbildung

The German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) works as a provider of scientific ser vices for both research and practical work in adult and fur ther education, supplying institutions and researchers with statistical data, documents and support. Its strategic position at the interface between theory and practice corresponds with the institutes specific understanding of its own supportive function and distinctive corporate identity: transmitting scientific knowledge to practice and vice versa, producing learning media and materials, developping and implementing curricula, evaluating didactical models, carr ying out research projects, kicking off and coaching innovative processes. The author, head of the departement „Planning and Development“ describes the variety of support functions realized in his departement.

Tietgens, Hans

Rückblicke Begriff ohne Geschichte: Support-Strukturen

Historischer Längsschnitt zur Bedeutung eines Begriffs, dessen Geschichte noch sehr jung ist.

Meisel, Klaus

Stichwort Support für die Weiterbildung

Support ist mehr als seine deutsche Übersetzungen „Unterstützung“, „Dienstleistung“ oder „Service“. Eine Begriffsklärung.