Dewe, Bernd Wiesner, Gisela Zeuner, Christine
Milieus, Arbeit, Wissen: Realität in der Erwachsenenbildung: Dokumentation der Jahrestagung 2003 der Sektion Erwachsenenbildung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft
REPORT Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung
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Die erste Ausgabe der Quartalszeitschrift REPORT enthält die Dokumentation der Fachtagung der Kommission Erwachsenenbildung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft aus dem Vorjahr. Die Fachtagung des vergangenen Jahres fand im Herbst unter der Federführung der neuen Sprecherin der Kommission, Christine Zeuner, an der Universität Flensburg statt und war dem Thema Milieus, Arbeit, Wissen: Realität in der Erwachsenenbildung gewidmet.
In diesem Band werden die Vorträge aus fünf Arbeitsgruppen dokumentiert:
1. Milieus - Interessen - Adressaten - Institutionen
2. Beschäftigungsfähigkeit - Arbeitskraft - Berufswelt
3. Kognition - Emotion - Interaktion
4. Organisationswissen - Organisationsentwicklung - Qualität
5. Wissen - Können - Handeln.
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Vester, Michael

Die sozialen Milieus und die gebremste Bildungsexpansion

The social milieus and the slowed down expansion of education

Going out from the fact that the expansion of education in the last decades has not enabled an equality of educational opportunity, the contribution explores the development of the social mileus and their specific educational behaviour on the basis of the theory approach of Bourdieu.

Herzberg, Heidrun

Lernhabitus und Milieu als zentrale Dimensionen bei der Untersuchung lebenslanger Lernprozesse

Learning behaviour and milieu as central dimensions at the analysis of the life-long learning process

Based on the empirical qualitative research project on "Biography and Learning Behaviour", in which the influence of the generation threshold established knowledge and the origin milieu of dockyard workers in Rostock with which the biographical processing of the societal transformation processes in the former DDR were examined, the following facets are made a subject of discussion. Prefacing, the specific dynamic of the dockyard work milieu of Rostock is sketched. Thereafter the continuity and change of a biographical learning behaviour model are shown by means of a case configuration. Concluding possible adult pedagogical consequences of a biography orientation are addressed.

Reich, Jutta; Tippelt, Rudolf

Entwicklung von Persönlichkeitskompetenz und zentrale Weiterbildungsbarrieren in sozialen Milieus

Development of personality competence and central further education barriers in social milieus

Presented are partial results of a current Germany-wide empirical qualitative analysis in which the social and regional differentiation of adult education interests and adult education behaviour in the tradition of milieu research are ascertains and interpreted. On the basis of three social ambiences the development of personality competence and typical further education barriers are introduced.

Fischer, Veronika

Netzwerke bürgerschaftlichen Engagements - Zur Rolle der Erwachsenenbildung im Rahmen der Netzwerkarbeit mit Älteren

Networks of citizens’ commitment – On the role of adult education within the scope of the network work with the older

Introduced are the partial results of a research project in North-Rhine-Westphalia, in which networks of citizens’ commitment in Düsseldorf in the area of work with older people have been evaluated. At the beginning of the contribution the term of network is explained, then the personal pre-requisites for citizens’ commitment are sketched and concluding the model of self-organised learning is presented.

Grell, Petra

Teilnehmerforschung zum Thema Lernwiderstand

Ein Konzept partizipativer Forschung und seine Ergebnisse
Research on participation on the topic learning resistance
A concept of participative research and its results

The research methods and results from a subproject on learning resistance are introduced, which came into being in the framework of a research project of a Hamburg adult education institutions on self-directed learning and social milieus.

Grotlüschen, Anke

Virtuelle Interaktion oder virtuelles Schweigen?

Virtual interaction or virtual silence?

Setting out from the point of her study on resisting learning in the internet and a short clarification of her conception of learning, the author explores substantiation samples for the virtual silence in interactive situations when learning with the medium internet.

Jütte, Wolfgang; Kastler, Ulrike

"Weiterbildungs-Studierende" als Gegenstand der Teilnehmerforschung

"Adult education students" as subject of the participation research

After a short introduction into the questions and methods of a research project of participation research at the further education Danube University Krems, a partial result for motivation structure is sketched.

Meister, Dorothee M.

Trends bei Erwartungen und Ansprüchen an Weiterbildung im Kontext gewandelter Arbeitsverhältnisse

Trends with expectations and pretensions in further education in the context of changed work place conditions

It is worked out in the contribution that because of changed work place conditions, especially in the area of information and communication technologies, an altered need for further education has developed. Concluding, possible consequences for the providers of adult education are sketched

Kuper, Harm

Qualifikation und Innovation in der Region

Der Beitrag klein- und mittelständischer Unternehmen
Qualification and innovation in the region
The contribution of small and medium-sized companies

In this contribution the results of a survey of small and medium-sized companies on qualification performances and further education outlays are sketched and follow up points for further results and perspectives of formation are presented.

Ludwig, Joachim

Entgrenzte Arbeit, begrenzte Erwachsenenbildung?

Boundless work, bounded adult education?

Setting out from the point of an interdisciplinary work research project on the basis of two empirical case studies it is worked out in which way current modernisation processes are referred back to on learning- and educational processes of staff.

Schemmann, Michael

Bedeutung und Funktion des Konzepts "Beschäftigungsfähigkeit" in bildungspolitischen Dokumenten der Europäischen Union

Meaning and function of the concept "employability" in education-political documents of the European Union

After a short reconstruction of the evolvement of the social-political dimension since the 1990s, the textual dimension and the function of the concept of employability in the labour market, employment policy as well as the educational political discourse of the European Union are analysed. Considered are with it the changes of the controlling instruments of European politics with regard to the impact on the politics of the member states.

Käpplinger, Bernd

Neue Zugänge zu Weiterbildung und Arbeit durch Kompetenzbilanzierungen? Erste Antworten aus Europa und Deutschland

New accesses to further education and work by making up balances of competence? First answers from Europe and Germany

Several developing practices of acquisition, evaluation and documentation of informal and formal competences are presented. In a second step the several practices are structured and the model of the bilans des competences from France and a German adaption is explained.

Schmidt-Lauff, Sabine

Lernzeitstrategien, betriebliche Realitäten und individuelle Wünsche

Learn-time strategies, workplace realities and individual desires

The general conditions and structures of learn-time strategies are critically discussed and summarised in the context of company related further education reality.

Bammé, Arno

Individuum und Gesellschaft heute

Zur Relevanz von Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, postakademischer Wissenschaft und selbstgesteuertem Lernen
The individual and society today
On the relevance of actor-network-theory, post-academic science and self-directed learning

Introduced are deliberations on a post-academic science that came into being by the societal change as well as the requirements concerning self-directed learning in future.

Holzapfel, Günther

Einführung in das Thema der Arbeitsgruppe 3

"Kognition, Emotion, Interaktion"

Gieseke, Wiltrud

Weiterbildungsentscheidungsverhalten, Auswirkung auf pädagogische Beratungskompetenz

Decision behaviour in further education, impact on pedagogical consulting competence

The author shows, that against the background of accruing research on adult education consultation the relevance of emotions for the decision behaviour of adults is drawn closer into the focus. For this she introduces first partial results of a running research project.

Schüßler, Ingeborg

Nachhaltiges Lernen

Einblicke in eine Längsschnittuntersuchung unter Kategorie „Emotionalität in Lernprozessen"
Sustainable learning
Insights into a panel study under the category “emotionality in learning processes"

After clarification of the term "sustainable learning", it is discussed by means of empirical material of a present research project to what extent emotional factors play a role in sustainable learning.

Holzapfel, Günther

Nordwestpassagen zwischen Leib, Emotion und Kognition in der Pädagogik

Zur Einheit und Differenz von Wahrnehmen, Fühlen, Denken und Einbildungskräften in Lern- und Bildungsprozessen
North-west passages between body, emotion and cognition in pedagogy
On the unity and difference of perceiving, feeling, thinking and imagination powers in learning- and educational processes

Setting out from the point of different newly theory approaches, especially in the integrative therapy, the contribution makes the holistic way of learning- and educational processes a subject of discussion.

Thöne-Geyer, Bettina

Zur Vermittlungsproblematik sozialer Kompetenz in der Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung

On the mediation difficulty of social competence in adult education/further and continuing education

Problems are presented which can emerge in seminars for adults when mediating social competence. Called on are for this the results of a research work of the author on the topic of advanced vocational training in societal situations of upheaval.

Wagner, Angelika C.

Kognition, Emotion und mentale Selbstregulation: Zur Entstehung und Auflösung innerer Konflikte

Cognition, emotion and mental self-regulation: on the nascency and solution of inner conflicts

The contribution provides a short overview of several results on nascency and solution of inner conflicts which in the frame of a research programme on mental self-regulation in learning processes of adults were gained. The author was head of the project and she draws practical conclusions for adult education.

Robak, Steffi

Bildungsmanagement als Konstellieren von Handlungswaben

Educational management as constellation of action comb

By means of empirical results on action of management in adult educational institutions and -organisations in this contribution it is worked out that management is linked to a term of education and is ingrained into the institution specifics.

Dörner, Olaf

Zur Generierung betriebsrelevanten Wissens von Beschäftigten kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen

Ein praxelogisch-empirischer Blick in die Organisation Betrieb
On the generation of company relevant knowledge of staff of small and medium-sized companies
A praxeological-empirical look at the organisation company

Setting out from the point of results of an empirical research project the praxeological ratio of knowledge and action in the process of the generation of relevant knowledge in small and medium-sized companies is presented.

Gonon, Philipp; Köhler, Michaela

Maximen als "sanftes" Instrument zur Qualitätssicherung in der ehrenamtlich organisierten Erwachsenenbildung

Maxims as a "soft" instrument for quality assurance in honorary organised adult education

It is reported of the results of a model project of rural adult education that had the aim of developing close to practice quality criteria for honorary staff in this field.

Behrmann, Detlef

Transfer von Information und Wissen in Organisationsentwicklungsprojekten

Transfer of information and knowledge in development of organisations projects

The contribution shows with an example of a project, how it dealt with the organisational development of educational institutions and how the transfer can be organised in an extensive way.

Höffer-Mehlmer, Markus

Qualitätstestierung und Organisationsenwicklung

Das Projekt QUEST (Qualität entwickeln, steuern, testieren)
Quality testing and organisational development
The project QUEST (developing quality, controlling, testing)

It is reported of the model, implementation and results of a project for quality testing (QUEST). It collected the concepts, approaches and experiences – in terms of quality assurance - at several folk high schools and prepared the implementation of the model test of Bund-Laender-Commission (BLK) on learner orientated quality assurance in further education networks.

Franke, Andreas; Wiesner, Gisela

Vernetzungsprozesse als Synergiegewinn in Weiterbildungseinrichtungen

Erfahrungen der Begleitung konkreter Netzwerkarbeit
The process of interconnectedness as a win of synergy in educational institutions
Experiences from the accompanied concrete network work

This contribution gives an insight into concrete interconnection activities of institutions of advanced vocational training in Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Thuringia. For this, empirical findings are quoted, synergy effects and research demand are named.

Schmerfeld, Jochen

Welches (organisationale und/oder personale) Wissen wird im Qualitätsmanagement ausgeschlossen?

Which (organisational and/or staff) knowledge is excluded in quality management?

Setting out from the point of the finding of a scepticism towards the implementation of quality management in the area of education, the author formulates a thesis that shows the context of education, knowledge and quality management.

Dewe, Bernd

Handlung, Wissen: handlungssteuerndes Wissen oder einfach Können?

Acting, knowledge: action controlling knowledge or simply proficiency?

The contribution exposes the figure of the action-lead knowledge and connects with the current discourse on knowledge and proficiency and the therewith linked competence forms.

Möller, Svenja

Wie kommt das Wissen in die Wissenschaft der Erwachsenenbildung?

How does knowledge come into science of adult education?

The research undertaking of the author is sketched, in which an honouring of publications and the time-line of the lasting acknowledgement is to be explored.

Bender, Walter

Lernen und Handeln - Thesen aus subjektorientierter Sicht

Learning and acting - theses from the subject-orientated perspective

It is sketched, by means of a few basic language-philosophical deliberations on the understanding and term of the acting subject, that the pre-assumption of a narrow connection of learning and application of the learnt in acting of the participants is not appropriate.

Forneck, Hermann

"Diskurse der Transformation"

Eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung der Entstehung sich verändernder Professionalität
"Discourses of transformation"
A discourse-analytical examination of professionalism coming into being and its changes

After a few basic textual and methodological clarifications on an empirical discourse analysis, focused on Höhne, the author verifies with this method the mythological development models of professionalism.

Reimer, Ricarda T. D.

Blended Learning - veränderte Formen der Interaktion in der Erwachsenenbildung

Blended learning – changed forms of interaction in adult education

By means of blended-learning-scenarios the requirements on quality of the didactical concept for the e-learning are sketched from a media pedagogical perspective.