Kil, Monika; Motschilnig, Ricarda; Thöne-Geyer, Bettina
What Can Adult Education Accomplish?: The Benefits of Adult Learning – The Approach, Measurement and Prospects
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The aim of wider-benefits research is to record the complexity of benefits and other effects on both the personal and the societal levels deriving from the individual’s educational efforts. The central issue is: “What changes are affected by learning interventions?” Schuller/Desjardins 2010, p. 229). The exploration of the wider benefits of learning is still in its infancy. Pioneers in this field of research are, in particular, to be found in the UK – the Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning (WBL) and the Institute of Education (IOE) at the University of London being two institutions of major impact. Furthermore, this article takes the work of the OECD and its affiliated Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) into regard. Last but not least, the work of Jyri Manninen (University of Eastern Finland) is also integrated. The aim of this article is to offer a comprehensive approach to the field of wider benefits of learning and make it available for comparative European studies. Another objective, finally, is the dissemination and circulation of this approach in the EU.
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