Publikation -Details

TitelPolarisierungen: Zwischen Qualifikation und Wissensverfall
ZusatztitelUngleiche Bewältigungskompetenzen in der Wissensgesellschaft
SammelwerktitelDIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2001(2): Polarisierungen
Autoren/Herausgeber Brödel, Rainer
Seiten 20
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Kann eine vor allem auf dem Prinzip der Selbststeuerung basierende Strategie des Lernens bei sogenannten Problemgruppen überhaupt greifen? Ungleichverteilung der Kompetenzen fordert Politik und Erwachsenenbildung heraus, nach Möglichkeiten einer Gegensteuerung zu suchen. Rainer Brödel plädiert für eine unterstützende Lernberatung, die informelle und formelle Lernformen zusammenführt, Kompetenzen aus unterschiedlichen Tätigkeitsbereichen und Lebensphasen bündelt und zu zukünftiger Handlungsfähigkeit führt.


Modern society has widely been characterized as an information society, in that the possession of information (or rather knowledge) is seen as the predominant factor for success. But information is volatile: the need to replace or update obsolete information becomes ever more pressing, as technological and scientific development moves on. This, however, happens in the context of a compartmentalization of society into a sector of successful, flexible individuals on the one hand and a sector of those not adapted to the requirements of modern economy on the other hand, with a large sector of more or less moderately well-adapted persons in between. At the same time, institutionalized instruction and training are losing ground, as adults are expected to organize their educational activities on their own, under the heading of self-directedness. – What is to be done for those from the third sector, who must learn, but at the same time lack self-organizational competence and cannot rely on institutional readymade solutions either? The autor promotes, in addition to more traditional target group-specific adult education courses, voluntary work as conducive to the development of organizational and general competence. Job rotation as practised in Denmark, providing access to further education for those already working, and to employment for those currently unemployed, may be another answer to the challenge.

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